Monday, May 5, 2008


I thought it might be nice to post what's going on with Cade as often as I can. That way his "milestones" so to speak will be documented and those that do not get to see him often can keep up with what he's doing. Something else...this little guy has been such a joy for his dad and me that I don't want to forget all the precious moments. I know I'm late recording precious moments. I may go back and record some of the early stuff at a later date....

I know I'm a little late getting this whole thing started. 15 months late to be exact. But now that he is a toddler, he's doing so much stuff and something new is happening almost daily, I want to be able to remember all of it when we all get older!

He's walking like a pro for only having been doing that trick for 3 months now. He's fallen and scraped his knees (much to the excitement of his Dad, "you have to let him fall, how else will he learn.") He loves to be outside. And trains are very exciting right now.

His first train sighting was very exciting, he kept yelling "train, train!" After that anything noisy and on wheels was a train. So I taught him "Car!" Now he yells that. But it comes out "Caa", sounding like his from Boston. : ) Very cute, if I do say so myself.

He has a whole slew of words he's saying right now. I know I won't remember them all but I'll try and list some of them here:

Mama, Dada, Duck, Car, Train, Nana, Papa, Debbie, He actually said Coleman once, Baby, Bye Bye, Pretty, Bird.... (to be continued)

He knows what a cow says, a sheep says, a lion, a horse, a pirate, a dog, a duck....

We are struggling a little with people food. He'll eat stuff if it is sweet (who won't, right?). But he has a texture issue and to get him to eat fruits and veggies, we still do baby food. I decided that I could feed him pureed foods from a spoon as long as he wants me to but his future wife might not appreciate that too much! : )

We just opened our pool. Let the fun begin! I'm very worried about him around the pool because he doesn't seem to have much fear of stuff. He may just have to wear that obnoxious life jacket everytime he's outside anywhere near the pool. I plan to teach him as much as I can and maybe I need to look into a swim class. I'm just not that excited about putting on a swimsuit myself. It was a sad day when I realized that I was never going to be able to wear a two piece bikini again....stretch marks and being too old. That's kind of a harsh reality to have all at once!

Here's a picture of the cutie. He had his first birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. It wasn't his party but the party of his good friend Michael, who turned 3 that day! He wasn't that excited about any of the rides at first. His favorite game to start with was of course, the one with rubber ducks. But after much coaxing from mom, he finally had some fun (see pic).

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