Monday, May 19, 2008

Jeep Ride

Mike wanted to take the Jeep when we went to some friends house on Saturday afternoon. This required the moving of the car seat. As some of you know, this isn't always an easy task. Last year, Cade was only in the Jeep a couple times and it was when he faced backwards. Back then, he would wear sunglasses and leave them alone. Well, Cade hated every minute of it.

He didn't particularly like the wind. Since he wouldn't keep the sunglasses on, he couldn't open his eyes because there was too much wind. Mike thought there was less wind with him facing backwards. I don't think that is the case. I rode back there with him last year and there was just as much wind. Last year, he had me holding a blanket over his face while we drove.

I think the biggest problem was the sun. When Cade is in my car and I have the sunroof open, if the sun gets in his eyes, he will scream. Again, if he'd wear the sunglasses, this would eliminate a lot of the issue. However, he's very stubborn (I don't know where he gets this trait : ) ) and when he doesn't want to do something, he lets it be known. I kept telling him that it would be better if he'd leave his sunglasses on. He was having none of that. Luckily we weren't going far but it was a noisy ride anyway!

I will say that the ride back wasn't quite as bad since the sun was behind us that way. He at least didn't scream. He still couldn't open his eyes because of the wind.

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