Monday, May 26, 2008

Our Weekend

Cade went swimming! I have a blow-up pool for Cade. We filled it with water this weekend. He liked it. But he enjoyed getting in the big pool with DADA much better! We may have created a monster! As long as Mike was in there, Cade had no fear of just walking to the edge and "stepping" in. Yes, Mike was there to catch him. I don't know if he would do it on his own without DADA in the pool because I wouldn't let him get close enough to the pool in that situation.

I signed Cade and I up for swimming lessons at the Y. They start next week. I'm not that excited to put on a bathing suit in front of a bunch of strangers. But I am excited to learn some tools for teaching Cade to swim. I was told we will also learn some basic CPR skills as well. Hopefully that is something I'll never need to use. But it will be nice to know.

Cade ran a fever off and on all weekend. He was just plain crabby on Sunday. Sunday night was terrible. He slept restlessly and cried when he was awake, which was often. So today I took him to Express Care. After a 2 hour wait (yeah, it was fun with a sick toddler), I was told he had an ear infection and very sore throat. This is Cade's 3rd ear infection since January this year. I'm not sure if that means we'll need tubes or not. I will call the peditrician this week and see what she says about it. This ear infection threw me because other than the night screaming, he didn't have any of the other symptoms...rubbing ear, lots of drainage. I guess he had drainage running down the back of the throat just not out of this nose.

He was acting much better this afternoon and getting him to take medicine wasn't a fight finally. He'd always been good about taking medicine until the previous 2 days.

New words: "oh no", "cool", "dada work"

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