Thursday, May 29, 2008


Cade loves to be outside. If the weather is nice, we have been walking to the pond to feed the fish. Cade likes to walk down the driveway. This is particularly scary for me because it is kind of steep and he insists on walking by himself without holding hands. He gets to going pretty fast. I'm just sure he will face-plant in the driveway. So it is usually a battle when we walk down the driveway.

Cade doesn't have a problem with help going back up the hill of the driveway. I think his little legs get worn out because he wants to be carried.

Today the city delivered the 96 gallon trash cans they are providing all the households in the city. Cade and I walked down to get it. It was so funny. As I pulled the can up the hill, Cade was pushing from behind it. I wish I had my camera with me. He was a real trooper too. He "pushed" it all the way up. He was also mad when we came inside. But MAMA was sweating and hot and we all know that MAMA doesn't like to sweat! : )

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