Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Our first embarassing moment!

He finally did it. Cade embarrassed his mom. Those that know me well know that I don't embarrass easy. I understand that toddlers can be difficult at times and show some ugly sides. But yesterday was the first time I was actually embarrassed that I could do nothing to keep him from screaming.

I had to take Cade to the eye doctor in Springfield yesterday afternoon. On our way back, we stopped by the vet to pick up Spencer. Spencer is my Shih Tzu that I've had for almost 14 years now. He's getting old and is having some issues. He's lost a lot of weight and I've been concerned. I dropped him at the vet so they could do some bloodwork. The vet wanted to talk with me before we left.

I couldn't keep the kid happy. He started out with his loud voice just jabbering. For those that haven't been exposed to his loud voice, it's very loud (he also comes by this honestly)! They put us in a room (I'm guessing they'd had enough of us in the waiting room). We waited probably 20 minutes. Cade wasn't happy. He screamed. I think he though we were there for him. Ordinarily I would find that funny. But the vet office was packed. They were running behind so I know the people waiting were already annoyed. They didn't want to listen to my screaming kid. He screamed when I put him down, he screamed when I picked him up. He fussed and whined the whole time the vet was trying to talk to me. One of the girls came in at one point while we were waiting on the doctor to see if he'd color. I said "We'll try anything at this point." I was surprised that entertained him for a short while. I kept apologizing to the vet....telling him he hadn't had a nap all day....

It was the first time since Cade came along that I was embarrassed. I could anything ugly come out of such a cute bo y! Oh sure, he's done plenty of screaming. But I have usually been able to get him onto something else or pick him up or something to please him. Yesterday, I couldn't please him. And I'm sure I have a million more embarrasing moments ahead of me! ;)

I still had to go to the store. I wasn't about to take him there. By then I was worn out with him. I left him with DADA. When I got him DADA said he was good, didn't fuss or nothing. Why do kids reserve all the "fun" stuff for their mothers?

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