Wednesday, May 14, 2008

More New Stuff

Cade is trying to count. Well, he is counting, the words just don't sound the same as you or I would say them....except he can say one, two, three, and nine is clear as can be.

This morning he looked out his window and said "tree." We were watching the trees out our basement window Saturday night (May10th) when the weather was getting bad. Keeping a 15 month old occupied during a storm is kind of hard to do....especially with a pacing dada and big dog.

Speaking of the storms, I never was freaked out by storms. When I was little we lived on Joy Street when that famous tornado of 75 (I think it was) came right down our street. I couldn't have been more than 3 or 4 at the time. I remember getting in the shower with my mom. I don't remember the sound of the tornado but I remember looking outside after it was done and seeing the house across the street was gone. I don't remember my mom being freaked out. Maybe that's why I never was freaked out by storms.

Note the was...Now that Cade has come along, my outlook is different. I'm responsible for another person now. So, I don't take them as lightly as I use to. I was a little flippant about it Saturday night. We had talked about going to dinner. Mike didn't want to because of the tornado warning. I said "We always have tornado warnings this time of year." In retrospect, Mike was right on this one. Thankfully we stayed home and rode out the storm in our basement. We were obviously the lucky ones. The bad stuff wasn't close to us. We couldn't hear it or even see it, except that the sky was black to our North. And after seeing the damage that tornado caused and knowing it came that close, I'm not so flippant about those storms. With Cade being the most important thing in our lives, I will always be sure that we take cover whenever possible.

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