Wednesday, May 7, 2008

All Things Good

Last night, like every night, Cade woke up. I think his diaper gets so saturated that when he goes again it wakes him up. So I get a bottle of milk and change his diaper and we rock. I really enjoy this time with Cade. When he finishes the bottle, I put him on my shoulder and he goes back to sleep.

This morning Cade woke at 4am. We did our usual routine and he went back to sleep. Then at 5am, he was awake again. At first I was grumbling, I needed my sleep (or so I thought). But he fussed around enough that I got up and got him. We rocked. As I was rocking him, I thought this really isn't anything to grumble about. It's my alone time with Cade. He was happy to fall back asleep on my shoulder. So I rocked him until it was time for me to start getting ready for work. Cade went back to sleep and happily laid down in his crib. But for that 30 to 40 minutes, we just enjoyed rocking.

These are the moments I'd like to have forever. But I know that as he gets older, he'll stop needing mommy to rock him back to sleep. He'll stop wanting to give me kisses because he doesn't want to be embarassed in front of his friends. He'll stop wanting to just sit on my lap with his blanket, sucking his thumb while we watch Sesame Street. So until that day comes, I'm going to enjoy every minute of this cuddly time I have with him...whether it's at 5pm or 5am!

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