Monday, July 28, 2008

Alphabet Song

Cade now chimes in on certain letters he knows when I sing the alphabet song to him. It is so funny. He knows quite a few of the letters. I still can't believe how much he's picked up. Every once in awhile, he'll repeat a word he's heard Mike or I say or something he's heard on TV. I guess now is when we really need to watch what we say!

He also likes the very beginning of Spongebob Squarepants...where the pirate sings the theme song. He will sing the "OOOOHHHH" and he can also say "PANTS". So he sings the beginning and the end of that theme song.

He's just so funny!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

18 month checkup

Cade went for his 18 month checkup yesterday. He weighs 25 1/2 pounds and is 33 inches tall. I can't believe our little guy is almost 3 feet tall! He did very well this time. The last several time we've been haven't been pleasant. He would hate to be put on the scale. He hated them listened to his heart or checking him at all. He would just sit there and scream. He wasn't particularly happy about being checked out but he didn't cry this time. I think he's gotten this little flirting personality and he likes to talk to everybody so he was having a hard time getting mad at the nurse and doctor because he wanted to tell them stuff more.

After the nurse was done, she was leaving the room. Cade stood there with a very serious look telling her something. Neither of us had any idea what he was saying but he was telling her something and he was very serious about it. It was so funny!

He didn't have to have any shots this time, which was good. Now, he doesn't have to go back until he's 2. Then he will be on the big boy scale and won't have to have his temp taken rectally anymore. I can't believe 18 months has passed!

DADA has been gone the last couple nights. So Cade has missed his evening wrestling with DADA. Last night, he thought he would wrestle with me. I don't care much for this and didn't want to wrestle but tried to humor him some. Well, he did to me what he has done to DADA a few times. He bit me. We are doing our best to discourage this because quite frankly it hurts! So when he bit me, I told him no and swatted him on the butt. Boy did this upset him. He started balling. I told him "we don't bite. You hurt mama." I showed him the place on my arm. He pointed to it and said "boo boo". We had hugs and talked about it. He didn't bite me again. We'll see if he remembers he got in trouble for biting. I hope that he learns that biting is a big no no! Especially before Lily comes back to Yurie's this fall. I certainly do not want to pick him up and find out he's bitten her!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

AC/DC lover!

Last night, when I picked Cade up for Yurie's, he put on a mini-concert for us. He was pointing to Yurie's mantel saying "Aye, aye, aye", in a growling voice. I couldn't figure out what he wanted. Yurie went and got Alec and he turned on his ipod (this is what Cade was pointing at). She said "watch this." Well, AC/DC stared singing the "TNT" song. Cade stood there dancing and shaking his arms with a big grin on his face. When they started singing "aye, aye, aye", Cade started singing his "aye, aye, aye" in that growling voice. It was so funny. And then there was a part of the song where they sing "watch me explode"! Cade would scream during that part.

He had us all entertained. :) He's just doing so much fun stuff right now.

He has figured out how to climb on the couch. It's still a bit of a struggle for him because he has those short legs (he gets those from DADA). But he's doing good at climbing up.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Identifying Letters

Cade learns new stuff every single day. I'm amazed at how smart he's getting. I bought him some foam letters and numbers for him over the weekend. He saw them at Toys R Us and kept pointing to them shouting "nine nine". So I gathered he wanted the number. :)

I was picking up letters last night asking him what they were. I couldn't believe how many of them he knew. I wasn't even picking them up in any order. The following are letters he can identify by looking at them "O, P, R, W, M, B, U, Y, I". I think that is all. He can also identify the number "8" by seeing it.

He also counted to 12 the other day with the kids on Sesame Street. And the other night after I put him to bed, I could hear him in there saying "A B" over and over. I guess he was practicing his alphabet! :)

Now if I could only get this intelligent kid to eat other foods besides pureed fruits and veggies, yogurt with no hunks of fruit in them, cheese puffs, cherrios, fruit snacks!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

He can catch a ball!

Cade can catch a ball! I took him to Grandpa and Lala's house Tuesday evening so they could visit with him. He was throwing a ball with Grandpa. He then would hold his arms out and together so he could catch it. It's the cutest thing!

Last night he was in the yard with Mike and I and his Nana came over. We were throwing him a ball. I told Mike to watch him. He would hold his arms out to catch it. And he could catch it most of the time. The look on his face is hilarious because he is concentrating so hard! Mike said that Yurie's boys must be teaching him to catch. I asked Yurie this morning and she said they had been throwing the ball with him. He's such a smart kid.

He also like to kick the ball. He was doing pretty good last night at running and kicking. He might be a pretty good soccer player but DADA says no soccer. Oh well, we'll see if that "rule" still stands in a few years.

Cade watches Sesame Street quite a bit. I use Sesame Street as an attention grabber when I'm trying to get something done. Anyway, last night, I had Sesame Street on while I was fixing dinner. Cade was in his high chair eating his dinner. They started counting. Cade hollered out when they got to 3 with the kids that were hollering out numbers. And when they got to 7, Cade hollered out 7 before the kids said the number. Mike and I just looked at each other. You know, we think he's a smart kid but we also realize he's our kid and we think everything he does is amazing. But we think 17 months old is pretty amazing for both catching a ball and counting to 10!

New word: giraffe.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Boat Ride

We took Cade to the lake this weekend. We took him out on the boat. He loved it. He helped Grandpa drive and also loved that. Being the awful mom that I am, I left my camera at home so I have no pictures of him on the boat at all. He looked so cute too.

He is starting to put words together. He'll say "bye bye car" when we are leaving. And he'll say "hi momma", "hi dada", "hi duck", etc. It is so funny to watch him concentrating on stuff. He can identify several letters of the alphabet by seeing them. And he also can point out the number 9. That seems to be the only number that he can identify but he can say other numbers. He actually counts pretty good for a 17 month old!

Another of Cade's new words is "whoa". He says this all the time now and it's so funny. He is our entertainment!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

New Words & Knee Walking

Some of the new words in Cade's vocabulary: Cheese, Please, Man, Girl, Thank you, Spongebob (but this isn't very clear, however I know that is what he's saying), Sky, Ding Ding (trying to say dingaling). He also knows that an airplane is in the sky. He trys to say airplane but it doesn't sound like it at all. He also knows that a snake says "sssss". He jabbers constantly. He's saying some pretty profound stuff but we just can't understand what he's saying. But I think he's going to be a talker like DADA.

Last night, Cade was playing and all the sudden he was walking across the floor on his knees....not his hands and knees, just his knees. This is pretty impressive for someone who hasn't even been walking that long. It's especially hard to walk on your knees when you don't have very long legs!

He's also started (and he did this all on his own) calling his blanket his nighty. He has been calling it his night night. But the last couple nights he's been calling it nighty.

I have a hard time getting Cade to eat much for me. I think he's more interested in feeding the dog than himself. I think the plan is going to be that Seven not be in the room when Cade is eating dinner. She likes to be right at his highchair. And if he isn't quick to drop stuff, she will stand and stick her nose up on the edge of his tray. Cade thinks this is pretty funny and will give her bites. It's very frustrating for me because he doesn't eat as well as I think he should anyway. I try different types of food every night. And I've even had a hard time getting him to eat his usual favorites.