Monday, July 7, 2008

Boat Ride

We took Cade to the lake this weekend. We took him out on the boat. He loved it. He helped Grandpa drive and also loved that. Being the awful mom that I am, I left my camera at home so I have no pictures of him on the boat at all. He looked so cute too.

He is starting to put words together. He'll say "bye bye car" when we are leaving. And he'll say "hi momma", "hi dada", "hi duck", etc. It is so funny to watch him concentrating on stuff. He can identify several letters of the alphabet by seeing them. And he also can point out the number 9. That seems to be the only number that he can identify but he can say other numbers. He actually counts pretty good for a 17 month old!

Another of Cade's new words is "whoa". He says this all the time now and it's so funny. He is our entertainment!

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