Wednesday, July 2, 2008

New Words & Knee Walking

Some of the new words in Cade's vocabulary: Cheese, Please, Man, Girl, Thank you, Spongebob (but this isn't very clear, however I know that is what he's saying), Sky, Ding Ding (trying to say dingaling). He also knows that an airplane is in the sky. He trys to say airplane but it doesn't sound like it at all. He also knows that a snake says "sssss". He jabbers constantly. He's saying some pretty profound stuff but we just can't understand what he's saying. But I think he's going to be a talker like DADA.

Last night, Cade was playing and all the sudden he was walking across the floor on his knees....not his hands and knees, just his knees. This is pretty impressive for someone who hasn't even been walking that long. It's especially hard to walk on your knees when you don't have very long legs!

He's also started (and he did this all on his own) calling his blanket his nighty. He has been calling it his night night. But the last couple nights he's been calling it nighty.

I have a hard time getting Cade to eat much for me. I think he's more interested in feeding the dog than himself. I think the plan is going to be that Seven not be in the room when Cade is eating dinner. She likes to be right at his highchair. And if he isn't quick to drop stuff, she will stand and stick her nose up on the edge of his tray. Cade thinks this is pretty funny and will give her bites. It's very frustrating for me because he doesn't eat as well as I think he should anyway. I try different types of food every night. And I've even had a hard time getting him to eat his usual favorites.

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