Friday, May 23, 2008

Great night!

This is the first time in Cade's 16 months that he slept all night without making a peep! After I weaned him from breastfeeding, he quit waking as much. But was still waking anywhere from 3:00am to 5:30am, take a bottle and dry diapers, and go back to sleep. And there have the been the nights where something is bothering him and he's up multiple times. Perhaps it's a stuff nose or teeth trying to come through. But last night he went down about 7:30-7:45pm and didn't wake until I went in to get him up at 7:30am!

If this is his normal pattern here on out, I will be thrilled. The little guy is just busy the whole time he is awake. He doesn't stop to just sit. He's busy...moving around, playing with toys, getting into stuff. The wheels are working constantly in his head. He's talking in sentences but you can't understand all the words that come out. He's growing up so fast!

This morning when I woke him up, I got him dressed. As we were walking out of his room, he called "DADA!" He and his DADA exchange smiles and laughs every morning that DADA is home. This morning happened to be a day that DADA was gone. Cade babbled about DADA all the way to the car. Once there, we turned on the DVD in the car, his attention was captured. Sesame Street will do that everytime!

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