Monday, June 23, 2008

doctor's visit and more words

Cade had a follow up visit with his doctor on Friday for his breathing issue he had a couple weeks ago. Thankfully, he had no other episodes besides that weekend. Cade doesn't like the doctor's office. It's not just about the shots. He hates all of it. He screams when we put him on the scale. He doesn't like to have his temp taken (although I can't really blame him there as they do it rectally). He doesn't want them to listen to his heart or look in his ears or nose or mouth. So it's never a pleasant time when we go to the doctor. One of the peditrician's we saw told us that kids his age do not like having their personal space invaded. I guess I can see that. I don't particularly care for it either! I was glad to find out that once he's 2, they will take his temp under his arm and he gets to stand on the "big boy" scale.

Anyway, the doctor was checking his ears. He had an ear infection about a month ago. She looked in his first ear. Then Cade pushed the thing away and said "no more". The doctor laughed and said "I can see he has no development issues with talking." I know he knows the word "no" and the word "more". I didn't know he knew how to put them together.

He's also putting together "car bye bye". He says this a lot when he's playing with his cars.

Here are some pictures that Jordan took of Cade out by the pool. The first one is one of him on the 4-wheeler with uncle Doug. He loves to ride the 4-wheeler and wasn't very happy when Doug stopped. He was also very tired. That's the deer-in-headlights look.

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