Monday, June 2, 2008

Cardinals - Tweet

Papa Jerry and Lala went to St. Louis last week. They bought Cade a Cardinals t-shirt. It is so cute on him. He was wearing it when I picked him up this evening (I'll post a picture soon). Papa and Lala told me he would point to his chest whenver they'd ask where the birds were. Of course, he wouldn't do any of that when I got there. But they also taught him that the bird says "Tweet". It's so cute to hear his little voice say "Tweet!" When I asked him what the bird says, he'd say "bye bye". At first I couldn't figure out why he was doing that. But then I remembered. He has a Fridge DJ and one of the songs it sings is "Birdie Bye Bye." It amazes me what he remembers!

Why there is no picture of Cade in his Cardinal shirt:
We were outside with DADA while he was pumping water out of the pool (we got lots of rain). The hose where the water comes out has a hole in it. It squirts water in the air like a sprinkler. Cade thought it was funny to stand in the water spray. He got pretty wet so I didn't get a chance to take the picture. But it sure was funny watching him in that water. On my next Wal-Mart list will be some sort of water spraying device for him to play in.

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