Monday, June 2, 2008


Cade loves to take a bath. Whenever it's time, I'll ask him "are you ready to take a bath?" He'll scream "BATH!" And run for the bathroom. I have a blow-up duck that I put in the big tub for him. This duck is not long for this world as Cade is getting too big for the duck bath. But it's funny now because when we go into the bathroom, he'll yell "DUCK!" and he'll drag it to the big tub and try to put it in. That just cracks me up to watch. He can't quite lift it over the tub. But he tries really hard. We also have small rubber ducks he plays with. I keep those on the sink. After the duck-tub is in the big tub, he'll walk to the sink and get on his tip-toes and yell "DUCK!" So we have to get the little ducks and he throws them in the tub. It's the little things that amuse me! : )

Here's a picture of Cade in his duck-tub! Isn't he just adorable?!

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