Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I'm the boss.

Cade was taking a bath last night. I told him it was time to get out and he kept telling me "no, I don't want to get out." I finally told him "You're only two and don't get to decide. I'm the boss." He looked at me as serious as could be and said "You're not the boss, I'm the boss." I really didn't know how to respond to that. Because he pretty much is the boss...we really try and he's a pretty good kid. But man is he ever stubborn! Go figure and stubborn Spiva.... :)

Cade has added lots and lots of words to his vocabulary. I'm surprised that he knows a lot of the words he knows and that he knows how to use them. He was sliding around on some water the dog had slobbed on the floor and kept saying it was "slippery". I didn't know he knew the word slippery.

He's also added a cuss word to his vocabulary. He's been saying da** it. I told him it was a bad word and he shouldn't say it. That may have been where I went wrong. I probably should have just ignored it. Because now he says it a lot and then looks at me and smiles. Sometimes I'm pretty effective with my "mean mom" face and tell him to stop. But every once in awhile that smile catches me off guard and I smile too. Then he knows he's got me. Who knew this parenting thing was so hard!! :)

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