Wednesday, July 22, 2009

He must really be 5!

I think I may have been off somewhere on Cade's actual age. He talks like he's 5. He knows way more than most 2 year olds know. He's pretty much talking like a small adult. And I'm not sure where he gets it. His vocabulary has really exploded just this year. I point to pictures in books we read and he knows what almost everything is.

Yesterday, Mike was putting on a raincoat. Cade looked at him and said "you wearing your raincoat, dada?" We didn't know he even knew what a raincoat was!

Today, he was talking back. This has gotten to be a little bit of an issue with me and him. I told him this morning that he needs an attitude adjustment. He said "yep, I think so." I got a little bit of a chuckle out of that!

He has watched that Cars movie at least 1000 times in the last year. He now can recite every line in the movie. It's funny to hear. And he watches it with just as much enthusiasm as if he was watching it for the first time. I hope he never loses that.

Mason is really close to crawling normally. By normally, I mean on his hands and knees. Because he's been army crawling all over for a little over a week now. He's 24 weeks. He's starting to get on his hands and knees and rocking. He did that last night in the middle of the night in his crib. Much to my dismay, he wanted to do that rather than sleep at 3:30 am! He makes lots of noise but isn't really making any noises that sound like words yet. According to Cade's baby book, Cade was babbling DADA at 5 1/2 months. I guess what Mason lacks in vocals, he's going to make up in movement because Cade wasn't near crawling at 6 months. He was closer to 8 months before he moved anywhere on the floor. But he was talking much sooner.

It will be interesting to see the differences between them as they get older. Cade is strongwilled and stubborn. I wonder if Mason will be more laid back and mellow? I guess we'll see.

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