Thursday, October 23, 2008

Could he really know what's coming?

The last week, Cade has been particularly crabby but mostly around me. I think some of his problem might be that he's getting his 2-year molars. There aren't any bumps back there yet. But from what I've read, the symptoms can start as much as a week or two before you notice any teeth. He wasn't really very crabby when his other teeth came in. So this cranky stuff is kind of new for me.

This week everytime I've dropped him off at the sitter's, he's thrown a fit. He doesn't want me to leave. While a mother likes to be wanted, she also doesn't want to leave her child screaming on the floor. He normally loves going to the sitter. There is a little girl there that he loves to play with. This week, he hasn't wanted me to leave him. I told the sitter..." you know he's 21 months old and has been coming here since he was tiny and he's never had an issue with this before. Why now?" She said she thinks he knows there is a baby coming and he's about to compete for my attention. I was kind of surprised by this. She said her oldest did it too.

I never really thought about it. We talk about the baby in mommy's belly all the time but I didn't figure he really knew what that meant. But I guess he's smarter than I give him credit for. Maybe he does know what it means and he's letting me know that he's not at all happy about it!

Or it could just be the terrible twos coming on very strongly.....

1 comment:

seven said...

Could also be because you're a tool...