Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Change of Seasons

I've found that Cade is mostly easy-going. But there are certain things about change he does not like. We've had some cooler weather lately. And because of that, I've needed to dress him in warmer clothes. He doesn't like the long pants or the long sleeve shirts. This morning he had to wear one or the other. I decided I wouldn't torture him with both. I decided on long pants and a short sleeve shirt because last time I tried a long sleeve shirt, he was able to get it off one of his arms. He hasn't figured out how to take jeans off yet....

Well, he threw quite a fit this morning because he did not want to wear pants. He'll tug on the legs and just scream. This makes it very difficult to get him dressed. He flails and carries on. I don't have time in the mornings to let him throw his fit so we do lots of wrestling and carrying on those days. After a few minutes, he's fine. He was fine this morning after he got his Elmo fix. :)

Hopefully he will get use to the long pants and sleeves soon. Otherwise my mornings might become very interesting!!! I'm lucky he's a shoe-freak because so far, it's never a fight to put shoes on him even though he hasn't worn shoes much in the house this summer.

New skills:
He turned circles yesterday for the first time. He was watching Sesame Street (this is his morning entertainment while I try to get ready for work). They were singing and dancing and he started dancing around and turned in circles. He was pretty proud of himself and kept doing it until he made himself dizzy and fell down. It was very cute though! Who knew turning circles would be so exciting!

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