Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"One Cheez It, Please"

Since Mason came along, Cade has been making huge strides in talking. He says something new everyday that I didn't know he knew how to say or what context to put it in. He entertains us daily.

This morning I drove through Sonic to get a drink before I dropped off the boys at the sitter. As I was ordering, Cade kept saying "I want cheezits." I told him they don't have cheezits at Sonic. As I pulled up to the window and the girl was taking my money, Cade said "One Cheez It, Please." I got a big kick out of that. And of course (thanks to dada) as I was pulling away, Cade said "I drive, momma." I think I have quite a journey ahead with him!!! Especially if he thinks he can drive at 2!

I forgot to also mention. Cade is speaking some Spanish....thanks to Dora. He will count to 10 in Spanish. He also will say open in Spanish. We suspect he says more because there are words he says that we don't know what they are....he's either speaking in Spanish or making up his own language. I can't believe how much he absorbs when he just sees or hears it once or twice.

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