Wednesday, April 22, 2009


This is what Cade calls licorice. I try to always say the proper name for words so that he will eventually know the right way to say them. But this word is too funny not to say. So Mike and I both now call it lickafish. This will probably be what we call licorice from now on!

Cade is doing so good with his little brother. He will occasionally "squeeze" him as he calls it by pushing on his belly. We try to watch him and make sure that he is gentle with him. I think Mason will have to get tough very quickly as Cade loves wrestling and doing the kind of stuff boys like to do.

Since Mason came along, Cade has just exploded with the talking. He talks in full sentences and can say anything you ask him to say. He carries on conversations and has started pretend play. We get a big kick out of hearing him play.

He's also into watching Dora the Explorer and as a result is now counting in Spanish and saying other Spanish words. The counting I recognize...the other words, I'm not sure what he's saying. I guess it's nice he's learning another language. But it's also bad as he can start speaking the other language and saying bad things about his parents and we won't have a clue!!!

And the best sound ever is the sound of Cade laughing. Doesn't matter what kind of mood your in, that will change it to a good one in no time.

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