Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Santa Claus is Coming!

I don't think Cade understands the concept of Santa Claus. We talk about it. I've told him things I think Santa Claus might be bringing him for Christmas. And he likes the "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" song. He will ask for this at night when we do our nightly rocking before bed. He knows what Santa Claus looks like. He sat on Santa's lap (not very happily - until Santa gave him a sucker).

It may be that his momma is more excited about Santa Claus this year than he is. This is the first year that Cade can talk well and knows what's going on. It will just be so much fun!

Cade hasn't messed with the Christmas Tree or the presents under the tree. At least not when we are there with him. Grandma came and stayed with him a couple hours the other night while we went to a Christmas party. She said he was taking the balls off the tree and swatting at the ornaments on her watch. I find it humorous what he chooses to test the adults in his life with. You can see the wheels turning in his head when he does his testing.... The next day he kept telling me "Momma, I touch tree." Then he walked all around the tree and talked about the ornaments on the tree. I have put Disney, Elmo and other kid-type ornaments on the tree this year.

With us, his testing is usually standing his ground when he doesn't want something or want to do something. For instance, the battle now is his coat. He'll say "I don't want toat." Since it's really cold outside, this isn't an option. So it's a struggle everytime I go to put his coat on him. Other times he might not want to me to change his diaper, or he might want to carry something down the stairs when we leave in the morning. I don't let him do that because he is still learning to go down the stairs and I want him to hold on the railing with one hand and my hand with his other hand. I never know what is going to set him off. But it's quite clear that he knows what he wants and is unhappy when he is told otherwise! I'm sure this comes from the fact that both me and his dad are stubborn and strong-willed and don't particularly care for people to tell us what to do. I fear the toddler years might be a struggle for all 3 of us! :)

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