Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Christmas Train

I started last weekend to get out the Christmas decorations. I say started because I wasn't able to get it finished. I forgot how tiring being 7 months pregnant can be. And with an almost 2 year old involved, it's not a few hours project like it normally would be. The tree is up and partly decorated (hooray for prelit trees!).

Grandma Griffith gave Cade a Christmas train last year. It can be set up to go around under the tree. When we got home last night, I told Cade that we would get the train out. Talk about an excited 22 month old. All he kept saying was train, train. Mike got home when we were in the middle of it and helped us get it together. We finally got it together and turned it on. Cade had to have said it 45 times at least "Momma, Dada, Train!" He was so excited about this train.

That is what makes Christmas so much fun! Even though I am 7 months pregnant and tired a lot of the time, I really don't mind doing all the decorating and stuff (just wish I could get it donw a little quicker) because Cade makes it all worth it. He's finally at the age where he understands what toys are and he knows what he likes. I think Christmas morning will be fun at our house!

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