Monday, August 11, 2008

Alphabet Song

I have been singing the alphabet song to Cade since he was first born. He has been chiming in on the letters that he knows and likes (P and W). Yesterday, I was changing his diaper and he started singing "A B C D E". He got those out clear as could be. Then he would mumble through the LMNO and say P just as clear as could be. I have a small genius on my hands!!! :)

Over the weekend, when it was naptime, he would grab his night, night and tell me he was ready for a nap. When I laid him down, though, he wasn't quite ready to go to sleep. He will lay back there and talk to himself and sing. This weekend I would hear him counting. He can count to 10 very clearly and we've even heard him count as high as 15. I don't know what age kids are suppose to do this. But I'm amazed everyday about what he can do.

Another milestone this weekend was eating with a spoon. I've not really given him a spoon with his baby food because frankly I didn't want to have the extra mess. But yesterday I decided I would let him try. He did a really good job. I would have to get his spoon turned around every so often but otherwise he did a great job getting food on the spoon and then in his mouth. He made a little mess but it wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be. I guess this means I won't have to live close to him when he goes to college and spoon feed him his meals! :)

The baby is not so much a baby anymore....

I also discovered this weekend that Cade listens to DADA much better than he listens to me. I can threaten with a spanking and even have to give the spanking and he still will do whatever it is I told him not to do. Mike just has to say "Cade, no!" once and he will stop whatever he was doing. He'll stick his bottom lip out sometimes but he still stops. I guess I need to read somemore of my discipline book because clearly I'm doing something wrong!

We've also been trying to keep him from whining. I know, I know...all kids whine. But we don't care much for it and don't want it to be the avenue in which Cade thinks he can get his way. I'm afraid that will be an ongoing battle. He whines a lot to get his way. I've noticed the whining works with Nana (Linda) and Papa (Bill). Maybe he thinks it will work with us too.

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