Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Big Boy Bed

We finally got Cade's big boy bed. Saturday night was his first night. I rocked him and read him a couple books like we have been. Then when he was sleepy. I took him to his big boy bed. He didn't like that. So, Mike laid down with him first. Cade thought it was play-time. They talked and jumped and talked to his shadow on the wall. Then I went in and tried to lay with him. He talked some more, sang songs, anything he could to delay going to sleep. That first night took him 1 1/2 hours to finally fall asleep. Sunday afternoon nap time was more of the same. He wanted to jump in bed, talk sing, etc. That took him 1 hour to finally fall asleep. Sunday night was another 1 1/2 hours.

Last night, I waited a little longer before we finally went in to bed. My thinking was if he was just totally exhausted he would just pass out! It seemed to work because after milk, books, some singing and a few "momma, what are you doing"s he finally went to sleep after about 45 minutes. Once he's asleep he sleeps all night. It's just the newness of the bed and it is also a new room. I also think we made a mistake in making the bed a play thing...we kind of let him crawl up in there when it was bedtime and jump and play around. We now will only let him get up there when it is time to sleep until he gets the concept of this is where he sleeps now. I have to say that in just 3 nights he's doing well. I was worried about it. I thought I was going to be in his room forever and I wasn't sure how I could do that with the new baby coming.

We do have to lay down with him. He's not to the point that he'll stay in there and put himself to sleep yet because he knows he can get out. I hope that comes in time. Although I have to say, I really don't mind laying down with him. It gives me a little extra rest. :)

Other news:
Cade has become quite stubborn. I know with Mike and I as his parents...you can't even imagine. He's refusing to wear a coat. Most days I don't fight him on it. We are mostly going from the house to the car to the next house. So I don't worry to much about it. If he makes comments (and he has) about it being cold. I remind him that is because he won't wear a coat.

He also has become particular about his clothes. One morning I was putting jeans on him and he said "I don't want jeans." Yes, it was that plain. He also has said the same thing about this pair of boots he has. "I don't want boots." Most of the time he loses that battle. Like I said, he can be stubborn but I can be more stubborn! But lately he's decided he doesn't like 2 shirts on. I tried to put a t-shirt on underneath whatever shirt he was wearing because at least if it is cold outside he can be layered when he won't wear a coat. He told me the other day he was hot and didn't want to wear 2 shirts. The hot-naturedness comes from me....

I never knew that kids were so opinionated at age 2. Well, he's not even officially 2 yet!

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