Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Major Meltdown

We had the mother of all meltdowns this morning. Cade hates to be woken up before he's ready. If it's necessary, you have to tickle him and such to get him to wake up and then you usually have to wait until he's ready to get out of bed. This morning, I didn't have that much time. So the tickle time was cute short and I just got him up. He was not happy about that. He screamed and flailed while I got him dressed. He screamed and flailed while I carried him down the hall. He didn't want me to brush his teeth. I had to hold him down so I could brush teeth. This was not an easy thing to do. He's getting bigger and strong everyday.

When I was done, I put him down on the floor. He stood in the kitchen giving me a really mean look and just screamed at me. I don't know what he was actually was just screams. But I can only imagine what he was wanting to tell me. :) I started tell him that I didn't want to get up this morning either and that I didn't like it any better than he did. He seemed to stop and listen. I don't know if he was understanding what I was saying but he acted like he did.

Once we got in the car, the tantrum was over. By the time we got to Yurie's he forgot he was mad at me. I'm afraid to say that he probably gets that trait from me....the not liking to be woken up before I'm ready and not being very pleasant to those around me for a few minutes until I get adjusted to the morning.

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