Friday, June 13, 2008


Cade has become quite a pro in the tantrum field. He is very good about screaming and loudly (I think he gets his loudness from me). He is also into throwing himself on the floor, ground, or wherever we happen to be.

Yesterday's tantrums started at the sitter's house. He didn't want to leave. I kept saying "let's go." He kept shaking his head saying "no, no". He took off running from me into Yurie's bedroom and wedged himself between her bed and her bedside table so I couldn't get him. I had to move the table to get him out! Fun times!

Later that evening, we went outside to feed the fish. Cade saw the guy across the street mowing. He kept hollering "mow, mow". We were walking down the driveway. He wanted to cross the street. When I told him no, he kept going. So I grabbed his arm and told him NO. He started screaming and tried to throw himself down. I say try because I did my best to keep him from doing this because I don't think he knows how much it would hurt to have his head slam down on the concrete!

I get him started back up the driveway. He wants to step off the driveway onto the grass but it's steep and I don't want him to fall and roll into the pond. I try to take his hand and tell him no again. Again, he decides to throw himself on the ground. This time I let him fall. Before you scream "child abuse", I did catch his fall some but still let him fall so that his head was on the ground. This didn't make him any happier. He laid there on the ground screaming at me. Again, fun times!

But just as quickly as the tantrum was starting it was over quickly as a car came pulling up our driveway. I'm amazed how quickly he can turn it on and off. I guess that is the nature of a tantrum. They don't have to last very long to be effective. He definitely gets the point across!

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